
53. 「環境保全と成長の両立を考える」研究委員会(気候変動問題に関する日米共同研究会日本委員会)参考論文集


  1. On stabilizing CO2 concentrations - cost-effective emission
    reduction strategies

    by Alan Manne and Richard Richels

  2. The Berlin Mandate: The Design of Cost-Effective
    Mitigation Strategies

    by Richard Richels, Jae Edmonds, Howard Gruenspecht,
    and Tom Wigley

  3. A Global Energy Technology Strategy; To Address Climate

    by Jae Edmonds and John F. Clarke

  4. Exploring a Technology Strategy for Stablilizing
    Atomospheric CO2

    by Jae Edmonds and Marshall Wise

  5. Achieving low-cost emissions targets

    by Stephen H. Schneider and Lawrence H. Goulder

  6. When Can Carbon Abatement Policies Increase Welfare?

    by Ian W.H. Parry, Roberton C. Williams III,
    and Lawrence H. Goulder

  7. Costs of Reducing Global Carbon Emissions

    by John P. Weyant

  8. Main Points of Argument on Redirected Climate Change
    Policy with Associated Research Agenda on Joint

    by Thomas C. Heller

  9. Breaking The Climate Stalemate

    by Paul R. Portney and Robert N. Stavins

  10. The Costs of Carbon Sequestration:
    A Revealed-Preference Approach

    by Robert N. Stavins

  11. Policy Instruments for Climate Change:
    How Can National Governments Address a Global Problem?

    by Robert N. Stavins

  12. What Can We Learn from The Grand Policy Experiment?
    Positive and Normative Lessons from SO2 Allowance Trading

    by Robert N. Stavins

  13. Global Climate Policy: From Kyoto to Buenos Aires

    by Robert N. Stavins

  14. Climate Change Policy After Kyoto

    by Raymond J. Kopp, Richard D. Morgenstern,
    and Michael A. Toman

  15. Growing The Economy While Protecting The Environment:
    Energy and Fundamental Tax Reform

    by Dale W. Jorgenson

  16. Needed: A Realistic Strategy for Global Warming

    by Henry D. Jacoby, Ronald G. Prinn, and Richard Schmalensee

  17. Hard Heads, Soft Hearts より
    第5章 環境の浄化 - 「安かろう悪かろう」とは限らない

    by Alan S. Blinder
